Todd Price – Transforming the Roofing Industry


In the competitive world of the roofing industry, one name has emerged as a beacon of innovation and excellence: Todd Price, the CEO of Perimeter Roofing. With a passion for quality craftsmanship and a relentless pursuit of customer satisfaction, Price has taken Perimeter Roofing to new heights, transforming it into a leading player in the market. This article delves into the remarkable journey of Todd Price and highlights the key factors that have propelled him and his company to success.

The Early Years

In 2017, I started Perimeter Roofing with several partners, and we have grown to a multiple 8-Figure Company with operations in 4 states. We are currently on target to do over $50 Million in Sales this year. We specialize in Roof Repairs and Roof Installs. I also own Priceless Nutrition which is a supplement and apparel brand that focuses on putting your health as a priority in life. I live in Lawrenceville, GA with my Wife Allyssa, and 3 Kids Evelyn, Cohen, and Cyrus. I have a passion for coaching people, fitness, cars, and business as a whole.

Current Role

Currently, I am the CEO of Perimeter Roofing. I started the company 5 Years ago, and today we are in 4 states and have 100’s of team members in the southeast. My focus as one of the partners is the marketing and advertising, as well as the front office operations.

Challenges Faced

The biggest challenge I face as a leader and specifically in the roofing industry is teaching people how to be successful as sales people, then having them leave the company and try to start their own thing. I love to see people succeed, and I am always willing to help them along the process, but there’s a right way to do things and sometimes people don’t follow that accordingly.

Tactics to Beat Competition

One thing that I often do is look at trends that have benefited other industry titans. For example, a large HVAC company can have marketing or sales tactics that can help my roofing company. I believe that you can learn from anyone. So, I sometimes broaden my horizons to get new ideas.

The factor I consider the most is the long-term success of the company, there’s a saying that goes, “Forget Friday, Focus on 40.” I believe that having a clear long-term vision for your companies is key in the overall success.

Positive Work Environment

The basis of my companies is sales, and results. I believe that the best people are those that we will invest in. We have a goal to be a multiple nine-figure roofing company, so I never make a decision based on someone’s race or background. My salesmen come from all backgrounds and ethnicities, but they can all sell. That’s what matters to me. I’m worried about the content of the person’s character.

Our business is about innovation. So, with that being said, I believe that the people who are a part of my team understand clearly that in order to be able to be the best that they can be, learning new technologies and practices is key. From my perspective, I’m constantly trying to figure out ways to become efficient and effective in our processes.

Sayings of Wisdom

I would tell aspiring business leaders to understand that business is a process. I think newer business owners look at the success that I have, and think that they are supposed to be there overnight. Building my company took time, and you have to look at life like a fitness workout: You must give optimal effort everyday KNOWING that it will take months and years to achieve what you want.

Covid Lessons

The main takeaway that COVID showed me in my company is that communication and messaging should never change, but it’s the MEDIUM in which you communicate which is constantly changing. Right now, more than ever, social media and having an online presence is more important than it ever was. So, when the pandemic happened, we doubled down on everything relating to online marketing.

Giving Back to the Community

As a small business, we understand the impact of locals coming together to support each other. That’s why we created Perimeter Cares in 2018. We founded Perimeter Cares to help relieve lunch debt for schools all over the state of Georgia. We started this nonprofit with the goal of paying off the school lunch debt for every school in GA. Now, less than two years since its founding, Perimeter Cares has paid off the school lunch debt of 84 Georgia schools! Most of the schools we have visited are central to the Gwinnett and Hall County areas. However, they plan to extend their reach farther across Georgia and other states in the coming years.

Future Endeavors

I want to grow Perimeter Roofing to a multiple nine-figure company. I believe over the last 5 years; I have built the infrastructure that is going to take us there. I want to be the number one roofing company in the nation.  For my nutrition company, I want to build those 8 figures. I want to be able to impact the world through fitness because it changed my life for the better. As the nutrition brand grows, I want to start a line of gyms across the country. I believe that fitness and everything in your life go hand-in-hand. I want the person who wants to become the best version of themselves to look at me in all aspects and know that I can help them. I want to be able to do that through speaking, coaching, and everything that helps people. Building Roofs is important, but my heart is towards impacting people.

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