Lisa J Crawford – Shaping People’s Outlook

In a world filled with challenges and uncertainties, there are individuals who stand out as beacons of inspiration and empowerment. Lisa J Crawford, the founder of LJC Motivations, is one such remarkable individual. As an author, speaker, and coach, she has dedicated her life to helping others unleash their potential and achieve their goals. With her unique blend of expertise, compassion, and motivation, Crawford has become a catalyst for personal and professional transformation for countless individuals worldwide.

About Lisa J Crawford

One of the biggest things about me is my heart and love for people. I am a master relationship builder. My life’s purpose is to let people feel the love that flows from me to them. In my genuine responses and conversation, they will know that they are loved and important to the earth.

This part of me has built my platform of hospitality and treating the eyes in front of me as if they were in the comfort of their own home and family. Hospitality is a failing quality in business, organizations, churches, and families. Being hospitable with boundaries is necessary for those that are lost.

I am a Global motivational speaker with transformation, International Best-Selling Author, Hospitality Consultant and Leadership Consultant. I travel all over the United States and aid in sales, employee comradery and culture building.

Current Role

 I am a Hospitality. Consultant for various brands and a Sales Expert. My current leadership role is dedicated to the person in which I am interacting regardless of their status. They are the most important person at that moment.

Challenges for Women

Being a woman is an all-around hard job. But knowing who I am as a woman conveys my ability to speak to the broken part of leadership. Am I always received, no. Do they value me when I have a seat at the table? Most of the time absolutely not but because of my gift of love and understanding, I allow people to be just who they are and from that point on nothing that occurs in our interaction surprises me.

Being a woman in the business world demands that all of your I’s are dotted and t’s are crossed and when I speak it must be clear and concise. Have I always been this strong, absolutely not! I had to grow into the woman I am today. This woman is not afraid of being the only woman at any table.

Being Ahead of Competition

In order to stay abreast of trends, I believe in listening to podcasts, reading and following those that are on the cutting edge of business. This was a struggle for me in the beginning because my business mindset was not properly developed. I learned the hard way that I had to know what was happening all the time so that if by chance I was faced with something contradictory to my spirit I would not be taken aback.

Work Life Balance

I remember at time when I was all work and I fit everything else in the crevasses of my job. Then I realized that I needed to balance out my life. The understanding that balance does not come overnight and it is an intentional process. So, I worked hard to make sure I was spending proper time with my family and friends.

Being intentional about life is the key to having balance. Not just with family and friends but with myself. One thing that I have learned is that I can’t pour from an empty cup, therefore I need time to feel my cup so that balance can truly take place.

Decision Making

I have spent money being involved with coaching programs that may have aligned with my need to make money but not my beliefs.  It is crucial that before you sign a contract, you know exactly what is being offered and who is executing it. Who are they as individuals. Research the situation because if you do not, I promise you will not do the work. That was my experience. I will no longer spend money if there are any thoughts that I will not be able to follow the assignments and do the work.

Being in business; it is easy to jump on things that “sound amazing” but be intentional about completing the task before you spend the money.

Discrimination Along the Way

I am forever faced with discrimination.  To face the world as an African American Woman, it is an interesting journey in the workplace. I have to mind my tone to be sure someone is not offended, or I am not coming across angry. I have had a leader chastise me for something, but nothing happened to my white coworker.  I was walking in a hallway, minding my business and a woman came out of her room and looked me in the eyes and aggressively stated that she needed soap. There was nothing about me at that moment that stated that I was with housekeeping or even an employee. I have had white men wave me off because they did not want me to speak to clients and then ask me what we should do. There are too many situations to speak about but what I do know is that discrimination is real and gender bias is ridiculous.

Lessons from Covid-19

Covid taught me that you must find joy within yourself not people, places, or things. I also learned that if you use your time wisely in growth projects you can be successful even when the world stops moving. My heart went out to people that struggled with anxiety when the world was open and how hard it was for them when they were alone. I was able to call people and make sure they had a laugh for the day. It became a ministry of dialing for smiles.

Advice for Budding Business Leaders

Understand that people matter. No business can run without employees. Please treat them with respect. The pressure to make more money begins with being intentional about how you treat people. Everyone has a way that they would like to be treated but everyone wants to be treated kindly and with respect.

I recently turned 56 years old and my goal is to speak a word to those that are broken. Some leaders are broken within because of the leadership above them. Frustrations trickle downward, I see myself speaking to the root of the pain in businesses and people in their personal lives.

Future Plans

I will create generational wealth for my children and grandchildren. I live my life to teach those that are observant; that no matter what happens in this life it is your responsibility to turn it into a learning experience. Remember that things do not happen “to” us they happen “for” us.

I have set an example of not allowing life to stop me from living dreams that I have imagined. When people hear my story, I represent God’s Glory.

I have an 89-year-old mother and brothers and sisters that range from 57 to 72 years old. I take responsibility to make sure that whatever they need I will be able to assist. Why? Because of my family, I am who I am. I envision helping the helpless in domestic violence and human trafficking. The wounded warriors, the hopeless in spirit. My personal ambition is to show love. It is one of my superpowers.

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